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Saturday 31 December 2011

2011's Favorites!

If I had to pick our readers 2011's favourite posts here on Kreative Resources I wouldn't have been able to do it - but the stats show that you all enjoyed my Texture Boards the most. If any of you made your own I would love to see your variation.
Then storage ideas seemed to be an important choice - we all need storage ideas for our classrooms - since space is usually at a premium.

Then bulletin board ideas was an attraction. I like to see what others create as well - it inspires me to keep up with creative new boards when ever possible!

 Next came sensory activities. I love making these and the kids love playing with them!

 I would really love more feedback in 2012 - so that I can provide things which interest you or some inspiration for new sharing in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved that texture board and it is still on my list of to dos!
